• Faculty
  • Alumni


Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek – Faculty of Medicine Osijek



Faculty of Medicine in Osijek
Josipa Huttlera 4
31000 Osijek
Republic of Croatia
GPS: 45.556142 N, 18.714061 E
Phone: +38531512800
Fax: +38531512833

E-mail: alumni@mefos.hr

Association of former students of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek



Members of the Association Committee:
Assistant professor Ivana Jukić, president
Assistant professor Marko Stupin, vice president
Associate professor Antonio Kokot
Associate professor Ana Stupin
Mateja Batnožić Varga
Association Secretary:

Hrvoje Roguljić




The Association undertakes following activities:

  • promoting the reputation of medical and educational profession
  • developing cooperation between Faculty of Medicine Osijek and other related educational, scientific and expert institutions employing the Faculty of Medicine Osijek alumni
  • advancing the activities of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek and promoting the prosperity of the Faculty of Medicine as an institution, encouraging and improving the expert, scientific and practical activities of its members
  • participating in the international scientific and expert exchange by organising roundtable discussions on important matters
  • encouraging the organisation of meetings and lectures for the members of the Association
  • organisation and implementation of various programmes and projects in the field of education and related sciences
  • cooperation with other alumni and professional associations in Croatia and abroad
  • scientific and expert cooperation with Faculty of Medicine Osijek, providing information based on personal experience to prospective students
  • cooperation with the Student Council and other student organisations
  • providing continuous access to the library of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek and all publications of the Faculty
  • organising the meetings of Faculty of Medicine Osijek graduates
  • informing about the activities of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek, the events organised by the Association and activities pertaining to personal and professional development of its members
  • publishing the Association’s journal, as well as other scientific and expert publications in line with the Act on publishing
  • organising the meetings of the Association.

The MEFOS Alumni Association invites all former students of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek to join the work of the Association.


All those who have completed undergraduate, graduate, integrated undergraduate and graduate studies and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Osijek can become members of the Association.


Become a member of Alumni MEFOS by filling out the online Application Form. The completed application form is sent by email to alumni@mefos.hr.

Osobni podaci
Prezime *
Prezime na diplomi *
Ime *
Datum rođenja *
Adresa stanovanja
E-mail *
Kontakt telefon
Akademski podaci
Završeni studijski program
Godina završetka studijskog programa
Specijalizacija / akademski stupanj / znanstveno-nastavno zvanje
Podaci o zaposlenju
Podaci o zaposlenju

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