Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Josipa Huttlera 4
31000 Osijek
Republika Hrvatska
telefon: +38531512800
fax: +38531512833
The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek is an independent and advisory body that acts with the aim of promoting the ethical principles and values established by the Code of Ethics of the University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek. The organization, working scope and operation modus of the Ethics Committee is defined by the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek.
Members of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek:
1. Associate professor Ivan Požgain - president
2. Iris Broman
3. Associate professor Ljiljana Perić
4. Full professor Robert Selthofer
5. Karlo Habjanović - student representative
Instructions, protocols and forms for the provision of opinion of the Ethics Committee in the context of application procedures for:
Doctoral dissertations
Graduate theses
Undergraduate theses
Scientific research projects
Instructions, protocols and forms for the provision of opinion of the Ethics Committee for research work involving laboratory animals, their secretions or organs are available at