• Students
  • Scientific research and professional work of students

Scientific research and professional work of students

The students of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek may participate in the work of:


Osijek Student Congress (OSCON) – an international translational medicine congress of students of biomedical sciences and young physicians. The main goals of this congress are the acquisition of new knowledge and skills essential for a future career, making new acquaintances due to development of high-quality intersectoral cooperation, overcoming the fear of publicly presenting at a scientific meeting and promoting the often-neglected scientific component of medicine. One of the reasons for initiating such a project was that a large number of doctors are leaving Croatia, and this kind of congress can serve as an incentive for students and young physicians to stay in the country and provide them with the opportunity to present their work and acquire new knowledge and skills in their own city. In this way, we foster the additional development of the academic community and science in our city and region, providing students with the opportunity to write their own independent scientific and research papers. The target group comprises all students of biomedical sciences (medicine, medical laboratory diagnostics, nursing, dental medicine, physiotherapy, radiologic technology, dental hygiene, midwifery, pharmacy, medical biochemistry, veterinary molecular biology, sanitary engineering, biology and chemistry) and young physicians. Each year, we choose a topic from a wide area, and interested students from other faculties may join as passive or active participants. The paper submitted does not have to be related to the theme of the congress, and in this way even greater involvement of other study programmes (e.g., Faculty of Food and Technology, Faculty of Science, etc.) is enabled. In order to facilitate participation to as many of our students as possible, registration fees for J.J. Strossmayer University students are lower than the regular ones.

– OSCON (Facebook: OSCON, Instagram: oscon_mefos, web: https://oscon-mefos.com/)

Student sections

Student section for gynaecology and obstetrics

The Head/Mentor of the section is Professor Siniša Šijanović, PhD, full professor with tenure at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


Student section for psychiatry – PsyOs

The Head/Mentor of the section is Professor Dunja Degmečić, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


Student section for neuroscience – SenzOs

The Head/Mentor of the section is Professor Marija Heffer, PhD, full professor with tenure at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


The Student section for neuroscience Osijek (SenzOs) is a section of the Croatian Society for Neuroscience that operates under the Department of Medical Biology. The section comprises young enthusiasts interested in neuroscience, with endless ideas and a lot of good will. During the year, the section organises various public activities with the goal of educating general population and students. Its main activity is the Brain Week, which has a long-standing tradition and offers experience and new knowledge. You can read more about the Section on social networks.

- SenzOS (Facebook: SenzOS, Instagram: tjedan_mozga)


Student section for paediatrics

The Head/Mentor of the section is Associate professor Silvija Pušeljić, PhD, associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


Student section for endocrinology and diabetology

The Head/Mentor of the section is Associate professor Ines Bilić-Ćurčić, PhD, associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


Student section for physiology and immunology Osijek – FizIOs

The Head/Mentor of the section is Professor Ines Drenjančević, PhD, full professor with tenure at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek


The Student section for physiology and immunology Osijek – (FizIOs) was started on the initiative of students who were fascinated by the subject material of the above courses and on the initiative of the Department of Physiology and Immunology staff who decided to provide students with the opportunity for further training, learning and gaining experience. The Section carries out various public health activities at the local and inter-county level, participating also in national activities with the aim of achieving cooperation between cities and institutions. You can read more about the Section on social networks.

- FizIOs (Facebook: Student Section for Physiology and Immunology Osijek)


Student section for anaesthesiology

The Head/Mentor of the section is Professor Slavica Kvolik, PhD, full professor at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek