• Students
  • Student Council

Student Council

The Student Council of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek is a representative body elected by students that protects interests of students, participates in decision-making in the University’s bodies and represents students in the higher education system. The main tasks of the Student Council encompass taking care of the implementation and quality of study programmes, improving student standard and the exercise of student rights, as well as other important issues for the students of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek.


Also, its goal is to provide help to student associations at the faculty, as well as encourage cooperation with other student councils of medical faculties and other organisations that work in the students’ best interest.


The Student Council consists of nine (9) members elected in student elections and their deputies. The term of office of a member of the council and their deputy usually lasts for 2 years. The Student Council of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek operates in accordance with the Statute of the Student Council of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek.


The Student Council:

- proposes to the Faculty Council the adoption of the Statute of the Student Council as well as its amendments

- reports on students’ issues to the Faculty Council

- appoints students’ representatives to the Faculty Council, committees and commissions of the Faculty

- adopts a plan and programme for the operation of Student Council

- appoints a student ombudsman in line with the Statute

- cares about the quality of life of students, especially the quality of the study process, students’ standard, the exercise of student rights and other issues important to the students of the Faculty

- encourages the students to participate in extracurricular activities

- performs other tasks of interest to the students of the Faculty

- organises Brucošijada (freshmen party).



Instagram: @sz_mefos
Facebook: @sz.mefos


Luka Medić - President of the Student Council


Members of the Student Council assembly


Luka Medić (lmedic@mefos.hr)

substitute - Ena Kolak

Petra Lukač (plukac@mefos.hr)

substitute - Klara Jurišić

Ante Listeš (alistes@mefos.hr)

substitute - Kaja Lukač

Ivan Balić (ibalic@mefos.hr)

substitute - Josip Kajan

Ivan Prigl (iprigl@mefos.hr)

substitute - Lana Lukenda

Christian Kurina (ckurina@mefos.hr)

substitute - Lara Paić

Lea Arambašić (larambasic@mefos.hr)

substitute - Mia Sunković

Klara Žuljević (kzuljevic@mefos.hr)

substitute - Zvonimir Grgić

Lucija Barić (lbaric@mefos.hr)

substitute - Hrvoje Nikolić


Decision on the final results of the elections for the election of student representatives and their deputies in the Faculty of Medicine Osijek Student Council (.pdf)