• Science
  • Science popularization

Science Popularization




On October 7, 2022, the 4th Day of Young Researchers were held in the premises of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, which was also the organizer of this year's gathering. The aim of this meeting was to bring together young scientists and researchers of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek within its components: Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health, Department of Chemistry, Department of Biology and Department of Physics.


At this meeting, young researchers had the opportunity to present the results of research created by writing dissertations or participating in scientific research projects, and in this way participate in the exchange, information, development of new knowledge and experiences, and encouragement of cooperation.
A total of 20 young researchers from various scientific fields participated and presented their research and results in oral presentations. All submitted works were reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee of the Assembly.


Representatives of young researchers of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek:


Nenad Čekić
"Influence of maternal diet and intergenerational change in diet type on ovarian morphology in rat offspring" / "Influence of maternal diet and intergenerational change in diet type on ovarian morphology in rat offspring"


Tijana Pandurović
"Comparison of radiological methods in the assessment of invasion of carotid arteries in patients with malignant tumors of the head and neck" / "Comparison of radiological methods in the assessment of invasion of carotid arteries in patients with malignant tumors of the head and neck"


Petar Šušnjara
"Positive effect of consumption of functionally enriched food on microcirculation of healthy young subjects" / "Positive effect of consumption of functionally enriched food on microcirculation of healthy young subjects"



The scientific meeting "3rd Day of Young Researchers" is being organized for the third time with the aim of gathering young scientists and researchers of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek within the framework of its components: Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Faculty of Food Technology, Faculty of Dental Medicine and health, Department of Chemistry, Department of Biology and Department of Physics.The meeting will be held on November 30, 2021 in the premises of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Josip Huttler 4 in Osijek, which is also the organizer this year (with the co-organization of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek), and in this way encourage the connection of young researchers - graduates, doctoral students and postdoctoral students.
At this gathering, young researchers will have the opportunity to present their research results from the preparation of dissertations or participation in scientific research projects, and thus participate in exchange, information, development of new knowledge and experiences, and encouragement of cooperation.
In this way, we strive to connect young researchers, their potential, the flow of knowledge through exchange, we encourage cooperation between scientific institutions, the promotion of science and the strengthening of capacities for research and scientific work and interdisciplinarity, and we create the foundations for future cooperation between the components of J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek through related fields sciences (natural sciences, biotechnical sciences, biomedicine and healthcare).
You can find all additional information about the Gathering at https://istrazivaci-os.com.hr/



In accordance with the current epidemiological situation of COVID-19 and the agreement of the organizing committee, the Days of Young Researchers 2020 have been postponed.



Gathering of young scientists, 23.-24. May 2019

(in the premises of the Department of Biology in Osijek)

A scientific conference organized with the aim of gathering young researchers and scientists from the University of Osijek.




Gathering of young scientists, 14. June 2018

A scientific conference organized with the aim of gathering young researchers and scientists from the University of Osijek.

In the premises of the Rectorate of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, the scientific conference Days of Young Researchers was organized for the first time with the aim of gathering young researchers and scientists of the University of Osijek.






The European Night of Researchers was traditionally held on the last Friday in September, September 27, 2019.

The theme of this year's Night of Researchers was Market of the Future, where visitors were presented with a vision of the market of the future with visual effects of food and drinks of the future. Using modern technologies, the food of the future was also presented in the organization and presentation of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek and the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, part of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. As a representative of the Osijek Faculty of Medicine at the European Night of Researchers, prof. Ph.D. Maria Heffer.




The Science Festival is an event whose goal is to bring science closer to the public, during which scientists and students contribute to popularizing science and motivating young people to research and acquire new knowledge through popular lectures, workshops, panels, exhibitions and other events.


As part of the 19th Science Festival, the Faculty of Medicine Osijek continued to promote scientific topics for a wider audience with four (4) lectures, eight (8) workshops and nine (9) posters. The theme of this year's Science Festival was "LIFE".


Within the framework of the 18th Science Festival with the theme "Culture of Science", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through four (4) lectures, six (6) workshops and six (6) posters.



Science Festival postponed due to the epidemiological situation of COVID-19.



Within the framework of the 17th Science Festival with the theme "COLOURS", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through eleven (11) lectures, twelve (12) workshops and eighteen (18) posters.



As part of the 16th Science Festival with the theme "Discovery", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through twenty-seven (27) lectures, eight (8) workshops, one (1) forum and sixteen (16) posters.



Within the framework of the 15th Science Festival with the theme "Time", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through nine (9) lectures, seventeen (17) workshops and seven (7) posters.


As part of the 14th Science Festival with the theme "Science and Art", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through eleven (11) lectures, seventeen (17) workshops and seven (7) posters.



As part of the 13th Science Festival with the theme "Sun", the Faculty of Medicine Osijek participated with an interesting, meaningful and educational program through eleven (11) lectures, seven (7) workshops and three (3) posters.





The 21st brain week entitled "Spin - spin, children's game, post-covid" was held from March 14 to 20, 2022, and all lectures are available on the YouTube channel:




20. Brain Week entitled 'Viruses - prevention and effects on the brain' and 'Sleep'

was held from March 15-19, 2021, and all lectures are available on the YouTube channel:




The 19th brain week entitled "Fear, safety and role models" was held from March 12 to 19, 2020, and all lectures are available on the YouTube channel:




The 18th brain week entitled "Learning and memory in the animal world (Animal brain, Learning and memory, Brain and ethics)" was held from March 11 to 17, 2019.


The 17th brain week entitled "Brain and sport (Brain and artificial intelligence, Brain - hunger for oxygen and glucose, Brain and sport)" was held from March 12 to 18, 2018.


The 16th Brain Week entitled "The Hungry Brain (Neurogastronomy, The first three are the most important, Brain and Space" was held from March 13 to 19, 2017, and the lectures are available on the YouTube channel:




The 15th Brain Week entitled "Neurobiology of Intolerance (Child's Brain; Empathy, Tolerance and Intolerance; Cooperation of the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain)" was held from March 14 to 20, 2016.