Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Josipa Huttlera 4
31000 Osijek
Republika Hrvatska
telefon: +38531512800
fax: +38531512833
Students with disabilities attending the Faculty of Medicine Osijek are provided with adequate access to the faculty building and an elevator, and the schedule of lecture halls is made in accordance with the students' capabilities. For students with other forms of disability, the doors of the Students’ Office, the Student Union and the student ombudsman are always open to help them meet their needs, voice their requests and overcome possible difficulties.
Edi Rođak, mag.biol.exp. is appointed as the coordinator for students with disabilities at the Faculty of Medicine Osijek.
The appointed coordinator for students with disabilities has the following tasks:
The decision on the appointment of a coordinator for students with disabilities is published on the website of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek.
This decision shall enter into force on the day it is passed.
Important information can also be found on the University’s website.