Invitation to a Public PhD disertation proposal defense

Faculty of Medicine Osijek

Postgraduate Doctoral Study


To a public PhD disertation proposal defense 14th  June 2023

Public PhD disertation proposal defense presentation will be held in P1, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Josip Huttler Street 4, Osijek

Candidate: Ivan Feldi

Title of the thesis proposal: Association of statin dose with inflammatorty response in COVID-19 in patient with type 2 diabetes melitus

Mentor: Prof. Lada Zibar, co-mentor: Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Bačun

Thesis proposal assessment committee:

  1. Assoc. Prof. Ines Bilić-Ćurčić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, chairman
  2. Assist. Prof. Dubravka Lišnjić, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, member
  3. Assoc Prof. Marija Santini, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, member