Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Josipa Huttlera 4
31000 Osijek
Republika Hrvatska
telefon: +38531512800
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INTERREG VI-A IPA Program Hrvatska–Srbija 2021.-2027.
PROJECT : Targeted delivery of antitumor drugs employing biodegradable carriers
Summary : The modern approach to the treatment of malignant diseases tends to focus on the individual patient, their general state of health and the targeted administration of drugs to the site of malignancy with as few side effects as possible associated with chemotherapy. The targeted administration of drugs requires that the protective envelope around the drug itself must be biodegradable but at the same time resistant to various external influences for the drug to reach the malignant cells. The envelope should be inert to changes in the pH value of the environment and sufficiently lipophilic to pass through the cell membrane of the malignant cells.
The aim of the project is to produce carriers made of biodegradable materials such as inulin and dextran, into which chemotherapeutic agents used in clinical practice are to be incorporated. Inulin and dextran are natural polymers used in the food industry and have no harmful effects on the body, which is the main reason for their selection as biodegradable carriers.
Lead partner: Faculty of medicine Osijek, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayera in Osijek, Croatia
Project manager : Asistent professor Katarina Mišković Špoljarić, PhD
Project staff: prof. Ljubica Glavaš-Obrovac, PhD; assistant professor Marijana Leventić, PhD; assistant professor Teuta Opačak-Bernardi, PhD; assistant professor Barbara Viljetić, PhD; Ivan Ćorić, assistant; Ivana Jelavić, bacc. med.lab.diag.
Project Partner : Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad, , University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Project duration : 01.07.2024. – 31.12.2025.
INTERREG VI-A IPA Program Hrvatska–Srbija 2021.-2027.
BloodRheoApp project HR-RS00150
PROJECT: Advanced digital application based on bloodrheological characeristics for reduction of cardiovascular risk
Summary: Approximately 17.5 million deaths per year are caused by ischemic heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD), as most important representatives of mass non-communicable diseases. Affected survivors are highly limited in performing their everyday activities, working capacity and represent significant cost for healthcare system. The current epidemiological data for programme area show epidemic proportion in increase of incidence of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipoproteinemia, as well as sedentary lifestyle, which all represent strong, but modifiable, risk factors for development of CVD. These factors show combined effect on endothelial function of blood vessels and coagulability of blood, where the viscosity of blood has not been considered as potential risk factor – until now. Viscosity of the blood, as one of the three acknowledged parts of pathophysiological mechanism of thrombosis risk, has been greatly underestimated in up-to-date research to combat CVDs consequences. Therefore, the aim of the BloodRheoApp project is to utilize the research on blood rheological properties with joint effort of two expert teams to develop an efficient digital tool capable to give additional value to the prevention of noncommunicable cardiovascular diseases. The developed digital application will be compatible with "smart" devices working on iOS and Android platforms enabling scientifically based and personalized guidelines for organism hydrations in a form of user-friendly tool. The developed application will have the power to influence the risk of potentially upcoming CVDs, as well as to improve the length and quality of life in existing CVD patients. It could be recommended by clinicians, easily adopted by patients regarding user-friendly interface and lead to reduction of health facility load and healthcare costs.
Lead partner: Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad of the University of Novi Sad
Project Partner: Faculty of Medicine Osijek, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia
Project manager: associate professor Stana Tokić, PhD
Project staff: associate professor Marina Samardžija, MD, PhD; associate professor Ana Stupin, MD, PhD; associate professor Ivana Jukić, MD, PhD; assistant professor Vlatka Periša, MD, PhD; associate professor Krešimir Šolić, PhD, professor Jasenka Wagner Kostadinović, PhD
Project duration: 15.7.2024. - 14.1.2026.
“TRANSiTION” project 101101261 (H2020)
Sažetak projekta: Digital health presents great potential across the whole spectrum of the cancer patient trajectory. However, there are many challenges to its full deployment. A crucial challenge is to provide continuous professional development and training for the cancer healthcare workforce and the non-clinical professionals, which poses an essential barrier to the uptake, safe, and effective use of digital health solutions across the cancer continuum. The TRANSiTION proposal contributes to creating a new state-of-the-art education and training programme for healthcare professionals and nonclinical professionals that will enable the acquisition of digital skills and competencies for current and future needs that the integration of digital solutions generates. This will be achieved through a rigorous mapping of the current status of digital skills training and education across Europe and complemented by eliciting healthcare professionals, nonclinical professionals, patients, and carers’ needs analysis and transforming those into meaningful user requirements.
The TRANSiTION proposal introduces a co-creation approach bringing together professional associations, universities, educational centers, hospitals, and clinical centers. TRANSiTION introduces an innovative approach to practicing digital skills through the learning activities (Solving problems, working in teams, communicating, etc.) using ICT as an enhancer. TRANSiTION is expected to foster up-skilling and re-skilling in the context of digital health solutions for the health workforce and non-clinical professionals’ workforce. It will also support a swift transition to more effective and patient-centered health models. TRANSiTION brings together an interdisciplinary consortium of 27 partners from 15-member states with extensive expertise in the development, assessment, and successful implementation of continuous professional development and training programmes in health.
Nositelj: Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou (Cyprus University of Technology Cut)
Partner: Sveučilište Josip Juraj Strossmayer u Osijeku Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Voditelj: Majnarić Trtica
Trajanje projekta: 01.01.2023. – 01.01.2025.
Izvješće o projektu TRANSiTION i aktivnostima projektnog tima Medicinskog fakulteta Osijek
HORIZON Europe: SONORA Towards safe, optimized and personalized radiology and radiotherapy procedures for pregnant patients (2024-2028)
Ciljevi: Projekt se bavi razvojem fizičkih i računalnih antropomorfnih fantoma trudnice u različitim stadijima trudnoće, identificiranjem faktora za procjenu doze ozračenja fetusa u dijagnostičkoj i intervencijskoj radiologiji, razvojem i testiranjem kliničkih alata za procjenu fetalne doze u radioterapijskim postupcima ovisno o anatomskim karakteristikama majke. Projekt će rezultirati dozimetrijskim preporukama za provođenje procjene fetalne doze kod trudnica ili potencijalno trudnih pacijentica koje su podvrgnute radiološkim ili radioterapijskim postupcima. Podaci o fetalnoj dozi i povezanim rizicima raspravljati će se za zainteresiranim skupinama kako bi se povećala kvaliteta komunikacije s pacijentima.
Faculty of dental medicine and health Osijek, Osijek
Faculty of medicine Osijek (MEFOS), Osijek
Nuclear Physics Institute Of The Cas Vvi (NPI), Prague
University of Helsinki (STUK), Helsinki
Aarhus University, Dept. of Clin. Medicine (DCPT), Aarhus
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Bobadela
National Radiation Protection Institution (SURO), Prague
Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE), Agia Paraskevi, Athens
Institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety (IRSN), Fontenay-aux-Roses
Dubrava University Hospital (DUH), Zagreb
Ruder Boškovic Institute (IRB), Zagreb
Veneto Institute of Oncology (VIO), Padova
Skandion Clinic (SKANDION), Uppsala
Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL), Lisbon
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ), Krakow
Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMROH), Zagreb
Belgian Nuclear research centre (SCK-CEN), Mol
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science (UKG), Kragujevac
Sredstva: 1 500 000 €
INTERREG V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020
„ImproveMEd“– Improved Medical Education in Basic Sciences for Better Medical Practicing,
Specifični cilj projekta: Cilj projekta je razviti online interaktivne tečajeve za budući zajednički poslijediplomski specijalistički program temeljnih
medicinskih znanosti i pružiti praktične vještine obuke u okviru pilot tečaja u obje partnerske institucije.
Ključne aktivnosti: formiranje zajedničkih znanstvenih timova, nabava opreme i treninzi u laboratorijskom okruženju , priprema materijala
za tečajeve
Nositelj: Sveučilište Josip Juraj Strossmayer u Osijeku Medicinski fakultet Osijek (in-house ugovor),
Voditelj: Drenjančević
Partner: University of Pecs, Department of Immunology and Biotechnology
Trajanje projekta: 12.6.2017.- 11.10.2018.
Bilateralni projekti tehničke suradnje s Međunarodnom agencijom za atomsku energiju (IAEA, engl., International atomic energy agency):
CRO6008 Upgrading the Quality Assurance and Quality Control Programmes in Radiotherapy (2009-2011)
Pregled, ujednačavanje i unaprjeđenje programa osiguranja kvalitete radioterapije u dva kliničko bolnička centra u Republici Hrvatskoj. Na taj način će se osigurati izbjegavanje broja pogrešaka tijekom terapije kao i njihov utjecaj u slučaju da se dogode.
IAEA (Chupov, Andrey, Salmins, Andreys, Izewska, Joanna)
University J.J. Strossmayer; University J.J. Strossmayer; Medical Faculty; (FAJ, Dario)
University Hospital Osijek; Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy; (KASABASIC, Mladen)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology - Croatia; (JURKOVIC, Slaven)
Sredstva: 170 000€
CRO6010 Reinforcing and Further Developing a Quality Assurance/Quality Control Programme in Radiotherapy (2012-2013)
Dodatno unaprjeđenje programa osiguranja kvalitete radioterapijskih odjela u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi se izbjegle pogreške tijekom ozračenja pacijenta. Kako je ovo prepoznato kao dugotrajni cilj, upotrijebiti će se postupni pristup: a) program osiguranja u radioterapijskim odjelima dva kliničko bolnička centra uveden je tijekom izvođenja prethodnog projekta ali obzirom na zanavljanje opreme poterbno je dodatno unaprijediti programe, b) svjesnost o važnosti sveobuhvatnog programa osiguranja kvalitete za ishod radioterapijskog liječenja je porasla tijekom izvođenja projekta CRO6008 i na nacionalnoj razini, ali ne u potpunosti. Tijekom izvođenja ovog projekta će se pokušati unaprijediti svijest radioterapijske zajednice o važnosti programa osiguranja kvalitete radioterapijskog procesa za radiološku sigurnost pacijenta i ishod radioterapijskog liječenja.
IAEA (Chupov, Andrey, Salmins, Andreys, Izewska, Joanna)
University J.J. Strossmayer; University J.J. Strossmayer; Medical Faculty; (FAJ, Dario)
University Hospital Osijek; Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy; (KASABASIC, Mladen)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology - Croatia; (JURKOVIC, Slaven)
Sredstva: 100 000€
CRO6012 Developing a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Programme for the Clinical Use of Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques (2014-2015)
Poboljšati radiološku sigurnost pacijenata uspostavljanjem programa osiguranja kvalitete pri naprednim radioterapijskim tehnikama koje se koriste u radioterapijskim centrima Republike Hrvatske.
IAEA (Chupov, Andrey, Salmins, Andreys, Heally, Brendan James)
University J.J. Strossmayer; University J.J. Strossmayer; Medical Faculty; (FAJ, Dario)
University Hospital Osijek; Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy; (KASABASIC, Mladen)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology - Croatia; (JURKOVIC, Slaven)
Sredstva: 105 000€
CRO6015 Upgrading Dose Management and Optimization in Computerized Tomography (2016-2018)
Uspostaviti načela, mehanizme i metodologiju za optimizaciju i opravdanost postupaka kompjutorizirane tomografije u četiri odabrane velike regionalne bolnice u Republici Hrvatskoj.
IAEA (HENRICH, Christoph Samba, STEYSKAL, Sandra Marie, VASSILEVA, Jenia Nachkova)
University of Osijek; (FAJ, Dario)
University Hospital Osijek; Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy; (KASABASIC, Mladen)
University of Rijeka; University of Rijeka; Faculty of Medicine; (ZAUHAR, Gordana)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; (JURKOVIC, Slaven)
Sredstva: 150 000€
CRO6018 Establishing Centres of Competence for Quality Assurance/Quality Control in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Two Distant Regional University Hospitals (2018-2022)
Osigurati kvalitetne i sigurne radiološke postupke u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz unaprjeđenje dva regionalna radiološka odjela u kojem se obrazuju radnici iz manjih centara u RH.
IAEA (MURILLO FUENTES, Maria del Pilar, STEYSKAL, Sandra Marie Marie, TSAPAKI, Virginia)
University Hospital Osijek; (STIMAC, Damir)
University J.J. Strossmayer; (FAJ, Dario)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; (JURKOVIC, Slaven)
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka; (VALKOVIC ZUJIC, Petra Petra)
Sredstva: 150 000€
CRO6022 Introducing Patient Dose Tracking and Monitoring Systems in quality management and optimizing radiology practice (2022-2023)
Ciljevi: Poboljšati kvalitetu i radiološku sigurnost pacijenta uvođenjem sustava za praćenje ozračenja pacijenata. Sustavi će koristiti za poboljšanje optimizacije radioloških postupaka čime bi se osigurala adekvatna dijagnostička informacija ili terapijski uspjeh uz manje ozračenje pacijenta.
IAEA (MURILLO FUENTES, Maria del Pilar, STEYSKAL, Sandra Marie Marie, CIRAJ BJELAC, Olivera)
University J.J. Strossmayer; (FAJ, Dario)
University Hospital Center Zagreb; (RUZIC, Katarina)
Faculty of Medicine (Medicinski Fakultet Zagreb); University Hospital Centre Rebro Zagreb; (BUINAC, Ana)
University Hospital Osijek; (TURK, Tajana)
Dubrava University Hospital; (KRALIK, Ivana)
Clinical Hospital Merkur; (JUSTIC, Mihaela)
Sredstva: 177.000€
Regionalni IAEA projekti:
RER9147 Enhancing Member States' Capabilities for Ensuring Radiation Protection of Individuals Undergoing Medical Exposure (2018-2021)
Osigurati bolju radiološku sigurnost osoba koje su izloženi zračenju u medicini (pacijenti, osobe u pratnji pacijenta i volonteri u programima istraživanja).
IAEA (KATUKHOV, Alexey, ZHANG, Jing, GERSHAN, Vesna, TSAPAKI, Virginia)
University Hospital of Tirana, Mother Teresa; (VUCAJ, Brikena)
Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA); (POGHOSYAN, Lusine)
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA; (ULANOV, Dmitry)
State Agency on Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations - Ministry of Emergency Situations;
University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska; Clinical Center Banja Luka; Department of Nuclear Medicine; (VULETA, Goran)
State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety; (CORALIC, Irma)
Ministry of Health; Ministry of Health- National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP); (DIMOV, Asen Angelov)
University J.J. Strossmayer; (FAJ, Dario)
Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance; Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance; Department of Labour Inspection; (SAKKAS, Demetrios)
Environmental Board; (PUSKAR, Ilmar)
LEPL Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety; (NADIRASHVILI, Nodar)
Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE); Department of Licensing and Inspection; (SIMANTIRAKIS, Georgios)
National Public Health Centre; Department of Radiobiology and Radiohygiene; National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy; (SÁFRÁNY, Géza)
Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; (NURZHANOV, Ardak)
State Environmental Service; Radiation Safety Centre; (CAIKOVSKA, Marite)
Ministry of Health; Ministry of Health, Radiation Protection Centre (Lithuania); (ZILIUKAS, Julius)
Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre; (AQUILINA, Dorothy Anne)
Clinical Centre of Montenegro; (IVANOVIC, Sonja)
National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA); (KOC, Michal)
Politécnico de Coimbra, Coimbra Health School; (PAULO, Graciano)
National Agency for Public Health; (URSULEAN, Ion Gheorghe)
National Institute of Public Health; (CUCU, Maria Alexandra)
National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN); (CASARU, Daniela)
Ministry of Public Health; Institute of Radiation Hygiene; (BALONOV, Mikhail)
St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Prof. P.V. Ramzaev; (VODOVATOV, Aleksandr)
Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM); (BALIN KOVACEVIC, Marijana)
State Health Institute of the Slovak Republic; Department of Radiation Protection; (BOHM, Karol)
Slovenian Radiation Protection Administration; (ŽONTAR, Dejan)
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan; Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Safety and Security Agency; (KHAMIDOV, Farkhod)
Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK); (PARMAKSIZ, Aydin)
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate; (BOGUSLAVSKA, OLEKSANDRA)
Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Education; (ZAREDINOV, Damir)
Sredstva: 1 000 000 €
RER9157 Strengthening Implementation of the Justified and Optimized Use of Ionizing Radiation in Medicine (2022-2025)
Poboljšati zaštitu od zračenja i radiološku sigurnost pri korištenju izvora ionizirajućeg zračenja u medicini unaprjeđenjem implementacije regulatornih zahtjeva za opravdanost, optimizaciju i prevenciju neželjenih događaja.
IAEA (KATUKHOV, Alexey, STEYSKAL, Sandra Marie Marie, ZHANG, Jing, GERSHAN, Vesna, CIRAJ BJELAC, Olivera)
University J.J. Strossmayer; (FAJ, Dario) - Lead Counterpart
University Hopsital of Tirana, Mother Teresa; (VUCAJ, Brikena)
Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA); Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority; (HAROYAN, Karen)
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre of Hygiene (RSPCH); (ROZDYALOUSKAYA, Larisa)
State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety; (CORALIC, Irma)
National Center of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP); (DJOUNOVA VELIKOVA, Jana Nikolaeva)
Nuclear Regulatory Agency; (DOSIEVA, Deyana Stoyanova)
Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance; Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance; Department of Labour Inspection; (SAKKAS, Demetrios)
Environmental Board; (SUBINA, Jelena)
Academician F. Todua Medical Center; Research Institute of Clinical Medicine; (TOPESHASHVILI, Maia)
Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE); Department of Licensing and Inspection; (SIMANTIRAKIS, Georgios)
University of Szeged; (SERA, Terez)
JSC Diagnostic Centre of "University Medical Center"; (DAUTOV, TAIRKHAN)
National Center of Oncology and Hematology under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic; (KULIKOVA, Anna)
State Environmental Service; Radiation Safety Centre; (CAIKOVSKA, Marite)
Ministry of Health; Ministry of Health, Radiation Protection Centre (Lithuania); (ZILIUKAS, Julius)
Mater Dei Hospital; (NAPOLI, Nadine)
Clinical Centre of Montenegro; (IVANOVIC, Sonja)
University Clinic of Surgery ,,St.Naum Ohridski”; (CHABUKOVSKA-RADULOVSKA, Jasminka)
Polish National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care; National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care; (KLUSZCZYNSKI, Dariusz)
Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente; (DE ALMEIDA SANTOS, Paula Alexandra)
National Agency for Public Health; (URSULEAN, Ion Gheorghe)
National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN); (STEFANIA, Preda Iuliana)
St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Prof. P.V. Ramzaev; (VODOVATOV, Aleksandr)
Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM); (ALEMPIJEVIC, Snezana)
Slovak Medical University in Bratislava; (GOMOLA, Igor)
Public Health Authority of Slovakia; (DRÁBOVÁ, Veronika)
Slovenian Radiation Protection Administration; (ŽONTAR, Dejan)
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan; Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Safety and Security Agency; (MUMINOV, Safarali)
UFUC University Dr. Ridvan Ege Hospital; (ATAÇ, Gökçe Kaan)
State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU); (BILOKIN, Nataliia)
Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education; (LI, Marina Vladimirovna)
Sredstva: 1 200 000 €
BIMDANUBE: Network of excelence on biomedical information Managementin the Danube Region
Nositelj: Sveučilište u Hamburgu, Odjel za komplutersku znanost, Skupina za lingvistiku
Partneri: Medicinski Univerzitet u Gracu, Austrija, Institut za informacijske i komunikacijske
tehnologije, Sofija (Bugarska), Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku partnerica u projektu: Medicinski fakultet Osijek Sveučilišta J.J.Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ljiljana Trtica Majnarić
Početak projekta: 2017.
RECOOP HST-The Regional Cooperation for Health Science & Technology Association
Naziv projekta: Glycan biomarkers for posttraumatic stress disorder
Voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Marija Heffer
Suradnici na projektu: prof. dr. sc. Dunja Degmečić, prof. dr. sc. Jasenka Wagner-Kostadinović, prof. dr. sc. Lesya Kobylinska
Trajanje: 01.10.2023. – 01.10.2025. (24 mjeseca)
Nositelj: Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Partner grupa istraživača: Danylo Halytsky Lviv, National Medical University, Ukraine; Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Poland
Bohdan Malaniak Cedars-Sinai–RECOOP Young Scientists Research Grant
Naziv projekta: Polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of growth medium changes the atherogenic potential of human aortic endothelial cells following endotoxin stimulation
Mladi znanstvenik: dr. sc. biomed. Nikolina Kolobarić, mag.prot.nat. et amb.
Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Ines Drenjančević
Suradnici na projektu: doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Mihaljević
Trajanje: 12 mjeseci (2024-2025)
Nositelj: Medicinski fakultet Osijek
Partner grupa istraživača: Miaomiao Zhang, Ph.D. student, Institute of Food Science and Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Professor Dr. Livia Simon Sarkadi, DSc, dr. Uveges Marta
Naziv projekta: Comprehensive pharmacokinetic study of antihistamine drugs in pregnant and non-pregnant rats and evaluation of their effect on brain development
Mladi znanstvenik: Anita Sztojkov-Ivanov
Mentor: Robert Gaspar
Trajanje: 12 mjeseci (2019-2020)
Nositelj: Department of Pharmacodynamics and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy /Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Hungary
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
Mladi istraživač: Vedrana Ivić
Mentor: Marija Heffer
Naziv projekta: Lipid rafts of an Alzheimer's disease cellular model visualized by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
Mladi istraživač: Bartosz Krajnik
Mentor: Artur Podhorodecki
Trajanje: 12 mjeseci (2019-2020)
Nositelj: Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, Mladi istraživač: Milorad Zjalic, Mentor: Marija Heffer.
Department of Pharmacodynamics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Mladi istraživač: Fruzsina Bagamery, Mentor: Tamas Tabi
Naziv projekta: Correlation between placental vascularization indices, sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and haemostatic factors in pregnancy hypertension
Mladi istraživač: Abel Tamas Altorjay
Mentor: Andrea Suranyi
Trajanje: 24 mjeseca (2017-2019)
Nositelj: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Hungary
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Protein Structure and Function, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Mladi istraživač: Yevhenii Stohnii, Mentor: Volodymyr Chernyshenko
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Center Osijek, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, Mladi istraživač: Martina Vulin, Mentor: Andrijana Muller
Naziv projekta: The role of oxidative stress in development of impaired vascular response in obese pre-diabetic elderly rats of both sexes treated with metformin or liraglutide
Mladi istraživač: Anita Cosic
Mentor: Ines Drenjancevic
Trajanje projekta: 12 mjeseci (2016-2017)
Nositelj projekta: Department of Physiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Pharmacodynamics and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Szeged, Hungary, Mladi istraživač: Zita Tisza, Mentor: Robert Gaspar
Naziv projekta: The role of insulin resistance and altered structure of lipid rafts in neurodegenerative disorders
Mladi istraživač: Fruzsina Bagamery
Mentor: Eva Szoko, Tamas Tabi
Trajanje: 12 mjeseci (2015-2016)
Nositelj projekta: Department of Pharmacodynamics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, Mladi istraživač: Vedrana Ivic, Mentor: Marija Heffer
Naziv projekta: Impact of acute and chronic stress on cardiovascular diseases
Mladi istraživač: Marta Balog,
Mentor: Marija Heffer
Trajanje projekta: 12 mjeseci (2014-2015)
Nositelj projekta: Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
Partner grupa istraživača: Department of Pharmacodynamics and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Szeged, Hungary, Mladi istraživač: Judith Hajagos-Toth, Mentor: Robert Gaspar
Institute of Cardiology, Medical and Health Sciences Center, University of Debrecen, Hungary, Mladi istraživač: Judit Kalasz, Mentor: Attila Borbely
Bilateralna suradnja s Mađarskom: voditelj Ines Drenjančević (partner prof.Akos Koller, Sveučilište u Pečuhu) 2009-2013 „Zajednički putevi poremećaja funkcije mikrocirkulacije u šećernoj bolesti i hipertenziji";
Bilateralna suradnja sa Slovenijom: voditelj Marina Dabić (suradnik na projektu Ines Drenjančević) 2009-2011 „Menadžerski alati u Hrvatskoj i EU";
Bilateralna suradnja s Njemačkom: voditelj Mirela Baus Lončar „Uloga TTF proteina u imunološkom odgovoru" 2009-2013
EU projekt (EFRR) OrtoFLEX – Hrvatski koncept fleksibilnog sustava za izradu individualnih ortroza kralježnice - "Flexible manufacturing of customized spinal orthoses"- partner na projektu, 2013-2015
Program prekogranične suradnje Mađarska - Hrvatska 2007. - 2013.:
CABCOS - Crossborder Applied Biotech Cooperation for sustainable Regional Health Industry - Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: Prekogranična suradnja u primjenjenoj biotehnologiji
Ključne aktivnosti: formiranje zajedničkih znanstvenih timova, nabava opreme i usluga
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Drenjančević
Trajanje projekta: 01.04.2010. – 31.05.2012.
WHP - Work and Health - Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: zajednički razvoj metodologije za medicinu rada i ergonomiju, te mogućnosti prekvalifikacije radne snage
Ključne aktivnosti: anketiranje poslodavaca i zaposlenika, analiza dobivenih podataka, kreiranje zajedničkih programa za stručnjake medicine rada i ergonomije
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek Drenjančević
Trajanje projekta: 01.05.2010. – 31.07.2011.
RINGBOOKS - Bilingual dissemination of Research and Healthcare –Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: Dvojeznična razmjena istraživačkih rezultata s posebnim naglaskom na inovacije u zdravstvu
Ključne aktivnosti: prikupljanje podataka, dizajn i izrada višejezičnog promo – materijala, prijevod
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Sandra Bilonić,
Trajanje projekta: 01.05.2010. – 01.05.2011.
BIOTECHEDU - Harmonization of Biotechnology BSc out-put with the Medical Biotechnology MSc in-put requirements at Osijek and Pecs Universities - Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: harmonizacija dodiplomskog studija bniotehnologije s diplomskim studijem medicine na sveučilištima u Pečuhu i Osijeku
Ključne aktivnosti: analiza edukacijskih modula u cilju kompatibilnosti za oba sveučilišta; suradnja i razmjena iskustava i prakse sa sveučilištima u drugim zemljama (Turku, Finska; Krakow, Poljska); izrada edukacijskih modula i materijala; izrada kurikuluma;
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Glavaš Obrovac
Trajanje projekta: 01.09.2011.- 31.08.2012.
HEALTH MANAGEMENT - Design-Accreditation-Delivery of Joint Training and Development Courses assisting Sustainable Management of Regional Healthcare Services “ (including joint training and exchange of experts) - Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: definiranje i primjena redovnih i distance learning modula za student dodiplomskih i postdiplomskih studija;; zajednička akreditacija programa; promocija rezultata na regionalnoj razini
Ključne aktivnosti : definiranje edukacijskim modula; priprema infrastrukture za implementaciju distance learning metodologije; osnivanje zajedničkog među-sveučilišnog tijela za akreditaciju i monitoring; priprema materijala
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Včev
Trajanje projekta: 01.09.2011. – 31.12.2012.
HEALTH IMPULSE - Health IMproving poPULation initiative reSEarch - Improving the health of the border population: a joint initiative in immunological research - Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme,
Specifični cilj projekta: poboljšanje zdravstvenog stanja populacije u prekograničnom području; pokretanje zajedničke inicijative u imunološkim istraživanjima; uspostavljanje regionalnog istraživačkog centra; prikupljanje i obrada podataka o autoimunim bolestima u prekograničnom području
Ključne aktivnosti :uspostavljanje istraživačkih timova u partnerskim organizacijama; transfer znanja u području imunodijagnostike; nova istraživanja u području autoimunih bolesti; nabavka opreme; definiranje standardnih protokola i procedura u imudijagnostici AID; uspostavljanje centara za istraživanje u partnerskim institucijama; izrada studije stanja stanovništva vezano za AID
Nositelj: University of Pecs, Hungary
Partner: Medicinski fakultet Osijek, Drenjančević
Trajanje projekta: 01.09.2011. – 31.08.2012.
TEMPUS (Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies):